Email & website for con­tractors

Check your domain availability:

Increase deal flow with a branded email and a business card website.


per month + tax (if any)

plus $5 per month
for each extra email account

Simple predictable pricing. No hidden fees nor long term con­tracts. Cancel any time. 30 day refunds. No large up front cost nor sneaky price hikes after a promotional period. Significant sav­ings com­pared to a web design ser­vice which could charge up to $5000.



Plinth is an email and website builder for contractors, sole proprietors, and other trade professionals that want to present a pro­fessional image. Best-in-class email that will last decades and a business card web­site with the ess­ential details ensuring you are found in online searches.

Designed to be as simple as possible. Just specify what website address and email you want, com­pany name, phone number, location and the rest is taken care of. No wasted time learn­ing, maintaining or messing with hun­dreds of set­tings.


Email is hosted by the best: Fastmail. Since 1999 Fastmail has provided a paid, fast, robust, reliable, and privacy focused email. Leader in email pro­to­col innovation. Treat your and your client's emails with respect instead of risking having them harvested by free email solut­ions.

You can have as many shared email addr­esses as you want under the main account. Common patt­erns:

Separate paid email accounts can also be added as an extra if desired or req­uired. An example use case would be private addresses for employees or if an accountant should only have acc­ess to invoice emails.


Super simple, mobile friendly, and fast website with the essential details: com­pa­ny name, tag­line, email, phone, and location.

Websites are securely served via https with automatic certificate renewal. Ev­ery website is continuously mon­it­ored for uptime. In the unlikely event a site goes down (never happened so far) Plinth takes responsibility in bring­ing it back up.

Websites are hosted on a very reliable globally distributed content delivery net­work which means the websites are served at the fastest possible speed, no matter where in the world the clients are based. Perfect Light­house performance score which im­proves search engine rank­ings.

No databases, servers or security up­dates to worry about. Plinth takes care of automatically updating web­sites to conform to ever changing requir­em­ents of web standards and search en­gines.


Photo of the owner Jón

Plinth is owned and operated by Jón. In 2017 he co-founded Tímavera, a time tracking system for con­tractors. On the side he built email and web­sites for contractors helping them ele­vate their online image and get more pro­ject requests. Development on Plinth started in 2020 as more and more contractors came along for the ride.

The aim has been to create an email and website builder that non-desk workers are comfortable using. There are great general purpose sol­utions out there but they usually ass­ume way too much technical know­ledge and provide too many options.

A plinth is the base or foundation upon which an object, such as a statue, or structure, is placed or supp­orted.

Plinth is based in Seattle, USA and Dublin, Ireland.

Plinth logo, a 3D cube